
Oiseau sur un sac / Bird on Bag; watercolors on 4"x5.5" torn white parchemin paper glued on torn thick brown paper

Oiseau Égyptien / Egyptian Bird; watercolors on 4"x5.5" torn white parchemin paper glued on torn thick brown paper

Oiseau en contemplation / Contemplative Bird; watercolors on 4"x5.5" torn white parchemin paper  glued on torn thick beige paper

Étude expressionniste de Farbstudie Quadrate c1913 du peintre russe Wassily Kandinsky / Expressionnist Study of "Farbstudie Quadrate" c1913 by Russian Lawer-Teacher-Painter Wassily Kandinsky; acrylic on 8"x11.5" white paper

Étude cubiste d'un chat du peintre espagnolPablo Picasso / Cubist Study of a Cat painted by Spanish Artist Pablo Picasso

Chandelle/Candle; watercolors on acid-free paper 8.5"x11"; 1994

Tempête d'automatisme / Automatism Tempest; Graphite on 6"x8" Strathmore white paper; August 16, 2013

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